born sweet - حلاوة الولادة

15 year old Vinh lives in a remote Cambodian village and has accepted his destiny – to be sick for the rest of his life with incurable arsenic poisoning. He dreams of becoming a karaoke star, winning the affections of adoring fans. But his body is scarred by illness and there is a good chance the arsenic will soon take his life, like the girl who once lived across the road. A chance to star in a karaoke video about the dangers of arsenic allows Vinh to wonder if he truly knows his destiny.
 فلم وثائقي يتحدث عن (فينه) طفل بعمر الزهور من كومبوديا، مصاب بمرض آرسنيك سببه هو التسمم بالزرنيخ، وهذا الطفل ينتظر مصيره وهو الموت!، هذا الطفل لديه العديد من الأحلام وأهمها بأن يصبح نجم الكاروكي.
تابع الفلم التالي،

Born Sweet - Entire FIlm from Cynthia Wade on Vimeo.

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